Saturday, December 1, 2012



No, I'm not going to start writing in French from now on. No worries :p

So, it was two weeks ago we went to Antwerp to get some information about our learning Chinese and Spanish on our world trip. The guy was really helpful and he also gave us this great tip: It's a website and it contains a lot of information about travelling. It's made by travellers for travellers.

Tonight they've planned something special. They've invited people who already went on a trip recently and who just got back. They'll talk about their experience and hopefully they'll give us some great tips.

 They're also going to give workshops like: how to start planning your world trip, something Eileen and I could use. Especially because we have no idea how and when to start planning. When I'm asking for more information and prices they're all like: it's way toooo early! But you shall see: soon I'll start getting e-mails that I was way toooo late, haha :).

That was it guys.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Things just got real

Hello everyone! :-)

We've been talking about our world trip for a long time now. Or at least, it feels like a really, really long time for me. Nine months ago we came up with this crazy idea to travel. A lot of people talk about it, travel and see the whole world. Not a lot of people actually do it. Talking is easy, but doing it takes a lot of courage. Off course it's a lot of money and you leave everything you know behind. We're going to miss our family, our friends, the life as we know it right now.

But today things just got real. At least for me.

Today we had a meeting in Antwerp where they offer language courses. We still have the ambition to learn Chinese and Spanish. There are a lot of organizations that offer these courses. So, we are looking for something cheap, but also a school where we actually learn something.

Then at 4pm we had another meeting, but off course we were late. We arrived at the hospital in Leuven at 5 pm, but we called that we'd be late because of the traffic. There was a short interview; where are we going to? How long? Things like that.

I got five vaccinations at once, Eileen got three. As a child I was always afraid of needles and refused to get vaccinated. So, that brings the total of vaccinations at six and for Eileen five. I was the one who was really scared and wished that someone could have been there to hold my hand, haha. But thank god it wasn't that bad. The vaccination of Hepatitis A and B (they're combined) really hurts. Eileen? She really wasn't scared at all. She even looked at the needle and the nurse was surprised that she even looked.

Then we were walking back to my car, but off course we got lost in the parking lot. It was an adventure on its own before we reached my car. If we do something - like get vaccinated - it's never boring with us.

With love,

Yoni and Eileen.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Grey hair

Groeten mijn vrienden, 

Het lijkt misschien een vreemde titel, grijs haar, maar probeer eens het organiseren van een wereldreis en je krijgt meteen grijs haar :p

Daarnet kwam ik op het geniaal idee om naar Connections te bellen om te vragen welke periode het beste is om mijn tickets te bestellen. Het telefoontje heeft maar slechts drie kwartier geduurd en al snel is het gebleken dat vliegtuigtickets veel meer is dan paar klikken en het ingeven van je visa gegevens. Eerst begon het telefoontje met een Franstalige wiens Nederlands niet bepaald .. goed was. Ze deed haar best om haar verstaanbaar te maken, maar het onderwerp is op zich al complex. Laat staan dat het nog eens uitgelegd wordt door iemand wiens Nederlands niet erg sterk is. 

Daarna kreeg ik iemand aan de lijn die heel erg enthousiast was mij te helpen. Heel erg vriendelijk, besprak elke mogelijkheid .. en daardoor werd het ingewikkeld. Op het ene moment had hij het over een around the world ticket, dan retour ticket en ik snapte er niet veel meer van. 

De conclusie is dat we tickets allemaal apart moeten boeken. Voorlopig kunnen we de tickets naar India en China al boeken, maar daar houdt het dan alweer mee op. Doorheen het jaar moeten we de rest van onze tickets boeken. 

Wat een gedoe, haha. 

Ook hebben we morgen een afspraak bij een bureau dat gespecialiseerd is in taalreizen (in Antwerpen) en daarna gaan we verder naar Leuven voor de eerste inenting! Dat wordt een ramp. Naalden en ik gaan niet goed samen. Wie komt er mijn handje vast houden?



Monday, April 30, 2012

Can't wahaait! :D

Hi peepz! :)

So. It's been a long time since we've posted anything. We've been kinda busy, but last week we were talking about our plans and omigosh. I seriously can't wait 'till the day we're leaving!! :D      And every time I think about our plans, I get more excited ! :D

We are currently making a list of things we really want to do. We came up with this idea after reading an article of a guy who was traveling and also made this list. We've got now 55 things we'd like to do:

1. Small part in a movie
2. Snorkling in Fiji
3. When we're doing the stairs in Tibet, we won't be exhausted!
4. Visit Hogwarts in Orlando
5. Go through Australian Busch
6. Visit the Taj Mahal
7. Take some kind of Taxi (not a car) in India
8. Watch a ritual from the Aboriginals
9. Try to take a picture from a star in Hollywood
10. Visit a Host Bar
11. Learn Kung Fu in China
12. Lern Chinese
13. Follow a cooking class in China and Mexico
14. Do something I'm not going to put on the internet, because it's something bad :p
15. Visit places that was used in a movie
16. Swim with the dolphins
17. Stay in a 5 star hotel XD
18. Ride in a limo
19. Push Eileen out a plane
20. Skydive (Eileen is. I'm simply going to push her out the plane)
21. Learn Muay Thai
22. Make friends in every country we visit
23. Dive in Australia
24. Visit GameArcade in China
25. Get Yoni (me) ready for the GameArcade
26. Visit Mumbay
27. Get a Henna Tattoo in India
28. Make a video diary
29. Send a card from each country we visited
30. Use Facebook check in every awesome place we visit
31. Go into a warm water source
32. Bike the Golden Gate 
33. Ride an elephant
34. Sing "Welcome to Miami" five times and more in Miami!
35. White water rafting
36. Gamble in LA
37. Visit Statue of Liberty
38. Skinny dip around midnight
39. Trek the Inca Trail
40. Get married in LA
41. Go sorbing
42. Watch a sunset in every country
43. Take a mud bad
44. Show Yoni the pinguin parade in Australia 
45. Trek the great wall in Australia
46. Feed a koala 
47. Hug a koala
48. Stroll the summer palace, Beijing
49. Go the a waterfall and swim in it
50. See Uluru
51. Watch a baseball/football game
52. Drink coffee in Sydney Opera House
53. Drink Green Tea in China
54. Hit the Great Ocean Road, Australia
55. Take a photo with the Hollywood sign

We still haven't finished our list. So, if someone has a great idea of things we should add to the list, don't be shy and let us know! :)

With love,

Yoni and Eileen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hi guys!

Before we start planning our world tour trip, we thought it'd be nice if we first introduced ourself. Yes, you've read well. We. There is more then one person who will be using this blog. Another reason why introduction is necessary; prevent that you guys think that there is just one person who has more personalities.

Since I'm posting this blog and I will be the one who will use this blog the most (mostly because I love to write and my Eileen .. doesn't?), I will start: hi there *wink* *wink* Haha. (Now I sound like Flynn-char from the movie Tangled). My name is Yoni and I will be 22 when I will start my world trip around the world and I will be 23 when I come back from my world trip. Get used to spelling mistakes, 'cause I live in Belgium and I'm not a native speaker. Err. I've always wanted to travel around the world. You should look up Belgium with google and then you'll see how small Belgium is. Just too small and now I want to explore the world.

My partner in crime is Eileen. She'll be 21 when she'll leave this little country and she'll be 22 when she returns. (Oh gawd, she thinks we're with 5 who'll be leaving .. Now I'm starting to think that I'm the sane one and she's the insane one.) Haha. Too bad. 'Cause I was teasing her about that she couldn't gamble in the US or drink, because she was too young. Now I can't tease her anymore :( Ow. Right. I was introducing her. Just like me she always dreamt to travel around the world, learn new languages and get to know people around the world. It's thank to her that we have this insane, most awesome plans to travel around the world. So, go her and her insane plans! :"D (And the reason why I'm so positive is because she's sitting next to me and it hurts when she punches me DDD:) Before we start talking about our plans, there's one last thing that you should know: she talks in facebook-language. She's weird awesome like that!

End of introduction.


In our first post (we posted it together, it was such an exciting event! :p) you see a map where we've added the locations where we're going to. Here's a list and a little bit more information what we're going to do.

1. We leave Brussels and we're probably going to leave early October. Most planes leave in London. So, we get to say hello to the Big Ben first before we're actually leaving for our world trip.

2. The plan is to immediately go to India. I have no idea where we're going to land. We're staying there 2 weeks and Eileen is looking forward to getting sick because of the water (diarrhea, here we come!) I've asked her multiple times why we're willingly going to a country when we know we'll get sick. But off course I know the answer to that: the taj mahal! Hahaha. Kidding.

3. After the two weeks there we'll be leaving and we'll go the China. Eileen always wanted to go there. Her wish, our command. Or whatever they say. So, China. We're going to Xi'an. Apparently it's a great town with a great history. History won't be the only thing we'll be learning there, but we'll also learn Chinese. How awesome is that. After four week we'll be able to speak some basic Chinese! :"D After our four week we'll have time to travel. Just two weeks.

4. Australia. Five months. Travel and work at the same time. Some of my friends have done it and I know some people who are at Australia right now. But off course we're just going to Australia to see koalas and kangaroos. They're just awesome like that. Oh! We'll also learn how to surf and how to ride a pony. Yaay.

5. After all this hard work we'll travel two weeks. No, not Australia, but in New-Zealand. A couple of years ago I've read this book and the girl went to Australia and also to New-Zealand. Ever since I read that book I really want to go to Fiji. Snorkeling, so we can say hello to the fishes :"D

- ugh, never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of writing and it seems like Eileen is having fun with the lay out and other technical stuff that I don't understand -

6. Then we're going to die. We'll take the plane to the US. Goodbye Australia, hello jet lag! D: First we're going to stalk some celeberties. Matthew Gray Gubbler and Ian Someholder won't be save for us anymore. And we'll be hugging some palm trees as well. (Hahaha, big fail if there aren't any palm trees over there.) Oh, and I almost forgot. I've asked Eileen to marry me, so Elvis can marry us in Las Vegas, but unfortunately we can't get married in the state Nevada. Unless one of us suddenly turns into a man, somehow ... Yup. Ain't going to happen :(

After ten days we'll visit the Statue of Liberty. So, don't be surprised if one night you turn on your television and you see two Belgian girls on the news who are arrested :p

Our last stop in the US is Miami. And I know for sure that I'll be singing 'Welcome to Miami' from Will Smith the whole time on the plane. Eileen will be singing 'I am in Miami, bitch' :o Right now Eileen can smile about it, but she'll probably hit me after hearing the song for 1000th time (a).

We'll also visit Orlando, because I REALLY, REALLY want to go to Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Yessss. I'm a Harry Potter geek. Sue me. But then I get so say that I've visited Hogwarts (in Hogwarts. Wrrrong place!)
Yoon will visit Hogwarts with her magic wand but she doesn't know that yet xD (btw yoon is taking to herself.... just kidding :3)

7. On our flight to Guatemala, we're probably going to write a song 'Goodbye Miami, you were awesome, and hello Antigua.' After four week there our knowledge of Spanish isn't limited to 'Como estas?'. Yes, you've guessed right: we're going to learn Spanish. Wooop whoop. After those four weeks, we'll be traveling two weeks. Eileens want to go to Mexico. Probably for the tequila. The sneaky girl.

8. After those 9 - 10 months we'll be returning home, relieved that we finally get to sleep in our own, soft beds.

I'm in Miami Bitch


watch this vid, picture our heads & our voices and you'll know that will be us on the plane in two years!